Friday, February 10, 2012

The Boudoir Workshop with Christa Meola website

redefining boudoir
clearly defining your brand
honing in on your distinct style
What is your definition of boudoir?
male photographer-have female present and have client bring friend
Use safe terms: be polite and confident, keep your energy high, focus on fun,
1) artists' figure model
(art schools and art galleries) require least amount of direction, possible nude and will sign model release
2)pro and amateur models (model mayhem)
3)real women (prep work , flattering, (what do you love most about your body?)
prop shots, head shots, modest dress

creating emotions--coach actions
flattering postures:
flipping hair: transfers energy to motion instead of wondering whether she looks good
creating natural movement: run your hands across your body
cross your legs
throw pillows, twirl, jump on bed
take one strap off
crawl towards photog with arch in back

demo everything that i ask her to do
eyeline: at the lightsource, at your body, with your eyes only at camera (flirt with the light)
smile with your eyes,