Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kelby TV: The Grid

I have been captivated by creativelive so much, that I forogt about the other brilliant resources for photography learning. Today I am going to watch the episodes of The Grid, a show hosted by Scott Kelby and Matt K. Here are some notes from the show: Episode 46 * 3 process to photography: take picture, post, look at picture (EVERYONE uses photoshop) * Web use of photos: shoot wide. Pictures look bigger on website Episode 45 onone: marketplace for textures, backgrounds, etc... Episode 44 follow on twitter: photogzilla sports looks best with strobes Episode 43 D800 anti alias filter off=sharper image blind critique color, composition, curiosity

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Sue Bryce's Glamour workshop

Photoshop Actions
button mode for actions
1. totally rad s
2. Jinky Art-

choose 25-30 images
2 minutes each
No portraiture on eyes, hair line and lips (default minus softness)

color wheel
take away magenta=add green with %1 flow (inner eye for redness)
dodge around eyes
burn around makeup line

lasso part to change
copy paste
free transform
right click=warp
turn on and off
flow= %10 erase for breaklines

healing tools: moles
cloning: fastest form of retouching
face is size of fist=clone stamp size of thumb nail

Julieanne Kost: photoshop guru top model release

Blog etiquette
%40 knowledge
40 Positive Attitude
10 Personality
10 Self Promotion

blog twice a week

Determine clientele
Who are you trying to attract as a client?